Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Instead of catching up on homework like I should be doing, I spent the last 20 minutes working on this:

but I'm trying to get more painter practice in. I'm really rusty when it comes to this stuff, so I figure random doodling will start me down the right path.

Cannot. Focus.
might as well go to bed...?


  1. Very nice! I should steal this and turn it in for my sky and textures hahaha..............(shifty eyes) ....ha......

  2. Nice! Makes me want to pratice Painter more... X3

  3. why do you post it if you think it's crappy? if you really thought so, you wouldn't post it.

  4. There are plenty of reasons to post it if I think it's crappy! I think of it as such because I see a lot of room for improvement, but I still think it's an accomplishment. Also, I post it to help mark any progress I might make in my painter endeavors.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sounds like fake modesty to me
