Thursday, June 26, 2008


something non-digital for a change (:

old life painting warm/cool studies:

decorative paintings for fun:

seasonal! i'm supposed to paint bamboo on these but i got a little carried away. hmmmmm.

the blue is definitely too bright in the pictures. vile lighting!


  1. carrie i love your decorative paintings. you did a great job establishing mood in them.

  2. I think... you are "all-round" person. Clearly, you could do great jobs in both ways. Either digital work or non-digital work is rock!!! so what next?...:)

  3. The colors on the bottom 4 paintings are really nicely done. Very bold move to paint it near the carpet floor( is it carpet? cant tell)

  4. Nice paintings. I like the second one the most. The shadows and high lights are really contrasting each other. very good. But for boobs shap I prefer the top one hehe.

  5. this ain't Art Dump. hey hope your summer's flying slow

  6. these are awesome! i love the decorative paintings, they're cute :3 .

  7. Hey, Carrie,

    It's "Key" from Sequential Arts. I believe I saw some of these at that one gallery exhibition you were in. =) You have some really nice stuff here. Keep it up!

  8. Yes, I mind. You're linked, too. =P

  9. Eric: haha it IS carpet and it is a little reckless, i suppose... I've already caused so many stains from art projects in that room that there's no point to being careful anymore x)

    thanks everyone!
