Tuesday, February 7, 2012


After a year and a half of having great adventures and making great friends on Robot & Monster,  I'm moving onto a different show at Nickelodeon. R&M was my first real art job after college, and I could not have asked for a better production. If we're all lucky we'll get to see it air sometime in the future...it's a show with a lot of love and heart poured into it, and I'm honored to have been a part of it. And it's pretty damn funny, too. But for now...Pandas!

Moving over to KFP means moving buildings, and my office is now in a high rise in DT Burbank. It's very cozy and the view is great--the only thing is...it's really DARK. We keep the blinds closed almost all day, or else it would get ridiculously hot..and as a result I get about 90% less natural light than I used to. 
I'm already pretty pale naturally...
...and I imagine after working here a few months I'll look something like this:

 I can't imagine what would happen if someone ever rolled up the blinds.
it burnsss!


  1. This is great! Beautiful drawing of yourself, the color ones.

  2. sad for monster, but congrats on KFP! great sketches and yeah, maybe you'll get to be pale enough in the future to star in a Tim Burton flick! :P

  3. hee! *files away the thought of rolling up the blinds for later.*

  4. I work in a completely windowless office..it's.....not so bad...@_@ And besides, there's always the spray-on tan option!

    Nice drawings as always!

  5. Awesome drawings! :D Congrats too on KFP :)

  6. Congratulations, and good luck on the new show!!

  7. I LOVE your posts. They honestly make my whole week. :)

    Now I'm going to have to look into your new show! ¡Buenas suerte!

  8. Great drawings, you are one of my favorite storytellers!

  9. Hearty congrats !Hope it's a blast!

  10. such cute drawings. Have fun becoming translucent!

  11. I know exactly what you mean... cus I used to sit THERE!!! MwA HA HA! Welcome aboard. Beautiful drawings!

  12. @Stef: Thanks so much! :D

    @Davin: Haha oh, that would be quite the silver lining. THanks!

    @Alice: Don't you dare! :P

    @Megan: That's true...artificial color is better than none, I suppose...Thanks :)

    @Karina: Thank you! :)

    @Avner: Thank you! Also, your blog is full of awesomeness :)

    @Caitlin: Aw, THAT totally made my day! Thank you so much for the kind words :D

    @Bruno: Wow, thank you! That's very kind :)

    @Mel: Thanks! I'm sure it will be :P

    @Mike: Haha thanks, I'm sure it will be a short process...

    @Kenji: hahaha thanks! I hope I can do justice to this spot :P

  13. Haha! great job on M&R. Congrats on the move! and i'd have to say this whole thing is pretty hilarious. ( the way you told your story. )

  14. Once again, CONGRATS on working on a new show!!
    Those pale-Carrie drawings are hilarious :P

  15. So cute and so Funny!Thank you for visiting my blog!!!You´re very kind too!!:D

  16. ...wait.

    Did your last office even HAVE windows?

  17. @Ivan: Haha thanks! Glad you think so :)

    @Christina: Thank you! Yes, sometimes i look in the mirror and laugh at myself :O

    @Dave: I miss you the most, Dave! :(

    @Lidia: Thanks so much! :)

    @Adam: Thanks, kind sir! :D

    @Alice: Well...it had a window...looking into the hallway....But the building in general got more light! All that sunlight reflecting off the whiteness...

  18. haha!! so cute!!! I love how you literally draw your thoughts!!

  19. I imagine they keep the blinds closed to hide the truth about which one of your coworkers would sparkle in the sun light...
